Ich werde beim diesjährigen Brighton Fringe in England mit meinem Solostück “Far from home close to love” dabei sein! Ich werde vom 25. bis 27. Mai im Presuming Ed spielen und es ist eine Weltpremiere. Ich kann es kaum erwarten!
Der Kartenvorverkauf hat begonnen und ihr findet hier die Tickets.
Nachdem mein Buch “Weit weg von zu Hause der Liebe so nah.” in Deutschland erschienen ist, ich erste szenische Lesungen gegeben habe, ist dies nun der nächste Schritt, meine Zeit in New York mit der Welt zu teilen. Und auch der nächste Schritt, mein Stück “in der Stadt, die niemals schläft” eines Tages aufzuführen.
In den nächsten Wochen muss ich mein Stück auf eine Stunde kürzen, es ins Englische übersetzen und neu inszenieren. Ich freue mich schon darauf und werde euch auf dem Laufenden halten .
International award-winning actor Benjamin Kelm brings his personal story of his time in New York to the stage. In this poetic narrative, he relates his impressions and experiences.
Join him on a fast-paced roller coaster ride through “the city that never sleeps,” with all the ups and downs, joy and excitement, and laughs and screams!
Ben lived his dream, but it took a lot out of him. In addition to his apartment being broken into, two older men on the street violating his personal space, and the generally overwhelming quality of life in NYC, he also had to deal with the loneliness that came with being so far from home.
He was about to lose himself. But if it was the city that brought him to this point, it was also New York that let him find himself again.
Accompany Ben on his emotional journey as well as vicariously experiencing the uniqueness of New York.
Benjamin Kelm participated in the “World Championships of Performing Arts” in Los Angeles and represented Germany in acting. In all six categories, he was awarded the highest rating of the jury as well as the Industry Award.